Data Scientist Portal


Welcome to the Data Scientist portal.

As a member of our community, you will receive exclusive opportunities to work on data science challenges pertaining to indoor climate and health.  As a society, we are in the early days of understanding the impact of indoor climate and health on our lives.  When you consider that indoor spaces are often 2-5 times more polluted than outdoor spaces, and when you also consider that we spend almost 90% of our time indoors, it makes the need for data science on indoor climate and health all the more pressing.

We significantly hope that you can contribute to our community, and help make a difference in indoor climate and health for everyone!

Indoor Climate Data Set v1

The below CSV file contains two weeks of data for 28 anonymized homes that have installed the Ecovent system.  The Ecovent system provides room-by-room climate control.  It has sensors and smart vents in each room of a home.  For each room in a home, this file includes sensor readings from the room itself and from one smart vent in that room.  In particular, this file has the following columns:

  • Time: A timestamp indicating the date and time of the reading.
  • Home: A numeric identifier indicating the home.
  • Room: A numeric identifier indicating the specific room within a home.
  • Room_Setpoint: The desired temperature for that room.  This is the temperature that the homeowner had set for the room at the time in question.  The temperature set point is specified in degrees celsius.
  • Room_Temp: The actual ambient temperature of the room at the time in question.  The temperature reading is specified in degrees celsius.
  • Room_Hum: The humidity reading for the room at the time in question.  The humidity reading is specified as a percentage.
  • Room_Pres: The pressure reading for the room at the time in question.  The pressure reading is specified in millibars.
  • Vent_Temp: The temperature reading behind one of the vents in that room at the time in question.  In other words, the temperature reading within a duct leading to that room.  The temperature reading is specified in degrees celsius.  When the system is running in heat mode, the temperature in the vent will be higher than the room temperature.  When the system is running in cool mode, the temperature in the vent will be lower than the room temperature.
  • Vent_Pres: The pressure reading behind one of the vents in that room at the time in question.  In other words, the pressure reading within a duct leading to that room.  To ensure the accuracy of readings, the vent pressure is measured in a Pitot tube. The pressure reading is specified in millibars.  When the system or fan is running, the pressure will increase.

Here is a link to download the file: (to access the CSV file, open the ZIP file)

Coming Soon!

Check back soon because, in the coming weeks, we will add external weather conditions to the below data file.  This will allow you to start analyzing the heating and cooling system's ability to heat and cool a particular room in a home during different weather conditions.